Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Please Pray

I cannot imagine anything worse than losing a child. Not under any circumstances, or for any reason. I know that God is sovereign and that He will bring glory to Himself through any situation, and yet that knowledge doesn't make a child's death any less heartbreaking.

Yesterday my friends Zach and Lindsey lost their youngest son when he drowned in the bathtub. I don't know any details or specifics as to what happened, but I know that they are grieving and devastated at this loss. I can't even begin to imagine what they are going through as they grieve themselves and try to explain what has happened to their other son, who is 3. My heart just breaks for them right now.

And so, I am asking everyone to pray for them. Pray that the will find comfort in their God, and that He will be their source of strength. Pray for Lindsey that she would just be overwhelmed by His love for her and the comfort that He has for her. Pray for peace as they face all of the "what if"s that Satan will throw at them. Pray for the direction this family takes as they step forward, and pray for how they respond to this tragedy, because it will shape who they will become.

We know that God is sovereign and that He uses all things for His ultimate glory and to the good of those who love Him. But it can be so hard in the midst of a tragedy like this to see His hand at work. So pray for protection around their hearts, and pray that they will clearly see His hand at work amidst the sorrow and pain, that they might take comfort in His plan for little Jamie's life, because He does have a plan.

My heart breaks for them and I cannot be there to physically support or help them in any way. So I am praying for them, and I know they would appreciate if you lifted them up in prayer, too. Thank you.


Tamara said...

i'll be praying for them. my heart aches for them even though i don't know them.

katieq said...

We'll be praying for them! Let us know if there's anything else we can do.

Taylor Mathews said...

They will absolutely be in our prayers.