Tuesday, September 7, 2010


It looks like we are settling into a schedule here. I'm hoping that will continue, and be a good thing. It's not exactly down to a science yet, but here's approximately what we have going on...

Monday - Home Day

On days that we're home, it means Eliana gets up, dressed, breakfast, then has some sort of activity to keep her busy. Sometimes the activity is with me. Sometimes it's by herself. Sometimes she has wild imaginative play, and others she runs like crazy outside. No matter what the activity, it gets her energy out and she plays long and hard. She usually has a snack somewhere during her play, then it continues until lunch time.

After lunch, Eliana has quiet time. It might be nap time, if she is having a rough day. It might just be time to read on her bed. Today she was allowed to listen to an audio book. Other days she just has to stay in her room for an hour. She seems to need the down time, so I think this is good for her.

After quiet time we have some quality time. Maybe reading books together, or playing a game, or going to a park... Whatever we do, she has my full attention and she knows it.

Tuesday - Josie Here

On Tuesdays, Ellie's friend Josie comes over from 9-3. We follow more or less the same schedule as a home day, with play, snack, play, lunch, quiet time (usually a movie), and then quality time once Josie goes home.

Wednesday - Fun Day

Wednesdays are going to be Eliana's busy day this year, but I've hopefully planned it in such a way that she can maintain her basic schedule without becoming overwhelmed.

10:30-11:15 - We have signed Eliana up for gymnastics in Bozeman. She has been asking ALL summer if she can be a "gymnastics girl" in the fall, so we're going to give it a try.

After gymnastics, we'll have lunch (maybe at a park with a picnic lunch, maybe stop for lunch someplace fun, maybe just head home for lunch) and head home for quiet time in the afternoon.

3:30-5:15 - We are going to have Eliana in AWANA this year. I think she is going to love it! I know I really enjoyed AWANA in my growing up years, so we're going to give it a try. We don't have a strong sunday school program at our church, so I feel like she needs some additional structured Bible time, and AWANA can provide that.

5:30-8:30 - Every other week this is date night for us, and on the off weeks it is date night for Josie's parents. So Eliana will get to spend this time with Josie. I'm thinking it will be largely play, dinner, then quiet down with a movie or story time before bed.

Thursday - Josie's House

Thursdays are my Ellie free day and she spends from 9-3 at Josie's house. I have no idea what they do there, I just know that Ellie loves it and she comes home worn out and ready for some quiet time. =D

Friday - Home / Gym Day?

Eliana likes being at home. I, however, am not a homebody. I like to go and do. I also have a Mary Kay business, and need some regular hours for meeting with clients and making deliveries. That's what I do on Thursday. I need a separate time for running errands for our household, since I can only seem to do one or the other on Thursdays. There is a program that Ellie can go to at Lone Mountain from 12-4 on Fridays (or Mondays or Wednesdays, but I really see this as a Friday thing...). They have lunch (from home), quiet time, and activities. I have been impressed by Lone Mountain when we were there for swim lessons, so I think this will be a good program. Again, we're going to give it a try.

I'm not sure how the whole schedule is going to work, but we're going to try it. This week got messed up because of Labor Day and Josie being here on Friday instead of today, but I think we'll get the hang of it eventually. =D

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